Saturday, October 10, 2009

Finally, a run

Went on my first run in about 10 days this morning, feels good to finally be back at it.  It's so easy to get off track with working out!  What did it to me this time was the 2-day new graduate student orientation / team building "retreat" put on by the political science department at my school last Thursday and Friday.  I generally have Fridays free from pre-planned activities, so I can use (some) of the day to study, but last week I had none of the day (we didn't get back until late that night) and then I was behind going into the weekend.  That snowballed on me and I struggled to get my readings, etc. done for this week's classes, causing me to sacrifice time that would have been used for exercise to study.  It's the trade-offs in life that get you!  I'm back on track for now, posted again at the local Starbucks (tons of folks here today, Taiwan's National Day, or "Double Ten Day" - somewhat of an analog to the US's Independence Day; in fact, we have seen some fireworks set off already today) and ready to buckle down on some fun international relations readings and maybe start writing a couple of papers.


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