Monday, August 31, 2009


The small photos in the "Slideshow" on the top right of this page come from Flikr. You can see them all at your leisure here:



Technical problems with Part 3

...too large a file to upload, it seems. We may or may not try to create a shorter version to post, depends how motivated we are.


Apartment video, Part 2

Number 2 of 3...


Apartment video, Part 1

Today Barb created a series of short videos to take you on a brief tour of our new apartment. The first installment (of three total) is below. We hope you enjoy it!


Ironman, again

Congratulations to cousin Mike on his excellent showing today at Ironman Canada. He finished in just over 12 hours, which is an awesome time, one that I am quite impressed by. If you go to the Ironman Canada website here, you can enter his bib number (742) and check out all his time and splits. Great job, Mike!


Beware - non-sequential posts to come!

I must warn you, I am planning to do some "catch-up" posting here to cover the time we were home in Nebraska, and those will be intermixed with new stuff from Taiwan, so pay attention, and don't get confused by what is going on!

First, a few pictures from our new city.

The first two pictures are from a street market near our home. John was enamored to see live chickens there. We explained to him that they would not be live for long, that they were going to be easten by people! The next photo (#3) is from the park across the street from where we live (we live in the tall building visible in the background), and the last one is from our balcony looking across the street to the park, with Kaohsiung's tallest building, the 85-story Tuntex Sky Tower, behind.