Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Clocked in on another run

Man, it's not getting any cooler out there! Another session in the "dunk tank" (so dubbed because I am as wet after finishing the run as if I had just been through a round in a dunk tank) is done. I suppose all the runs will be like this from now on...biking is superior because the air rushing past keeps me from getting so soaked with sweat (although I know that I am working plenty hard when cycling as well, the sweat just doesn't build up like it does when I run).

Unrelated - Lance made it to 3 months yesterday. I took some photos and video yesterday to commemorate the occasion. Hopefully sometime soon I will have a chance to post them for you. (But it might not be until after the first of the month - still a lot of work left to close out the semester!)


Monday, June 21, 2010

Monday run

Got out extra-early for my run today, and it was a good thing, for even though it was early, it was pretty hot! After I got back, I was as soaked with sweat as if I had jumped into a swimming pool with my clothes on - yuck! I hope this is not a harbinger of things to come this summer in terms of the heat we will be dealing with on a daily basis, but I fear that it is.

On an unrelated note, it is quite possible that my new e-mail notification system for new posts here at Garblog is not working as it should. I may soon replace it and try another method. This would require another "opt-in" from readers. I will post separately if I decide to do this.

Saturday, June 05, 2010

Stalking the vicious Southern Taiwanese attack turtle

The long-rumoured, much-ballyhooed "upload" of recent photos and video has begun. Already, two videos taken today of Dragon boats on the Love River have been uploaded to YouTube, and now an additional 400-some-odd pics and video are following them to Flickr. Give it some time, it's a lot of material, but soon, go check them out! Ranges from late April to the present day. We've got John's birthday, the Olmsted director's visit last month, out visit to the Kaohsiung History Museum, some bike rides, and much more!

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