Friday, February 12, 2010

Bun in the Oven update

OK, so I have been seriously lagging on providing updates on how Baby #2 is coming along.  Hard to believe it, but the due date is pretty much right around the corner! (March 18) We had our most recent checkup on mom and baby just after returning from our trip, and all is well.  Included are a couple snapshots from the ultrasound.

Baby is estimated to be close to 6 lbs now.  The doctor warned us that he seemed to be "a little large."  We told him that John was 9 lbs 3 oz when he was born, so a "big" baby is nothing new for us. (It does seem that Taiwanese babies are typically a bit smaller than the average American baby, so for our baby to seem a bit large as compared to the local standard is not troubling.) John really enjoys seeing his little brother on the screen at the appointments!  He has been known to comment, "He looks just like me!"  I would say there appears to be more than a passing similarity, based on the images we have seen thus far.

Barb has noticed some differences this time around.  She definitely thinks that this baby is nowhere near as active in the womb as John was.  She says that John was active "all the time," while this baby is mainly active in the afternoons.  She is able to get good rest at night with this new baby.

We all know that will be going by the wayside once he is born - not much sleep, quality or otherwise in the first few weeks after the birth, from what I remember of the hazy, sleep-lacking time after John was born.  We're fortunate to have some help on the way from home for that time, though - you people are like angels!

Next appointment is scheduled in two weeks.  More to follow on this topic then.


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