Monday, January 11, 2010

Second time's a charm

Ready for New Year's near Taipei 101! (look familiar?)

Hello all...was able to complete the photo upload today. Still not quite sure why it stalled out yesterday, but no matter. The result is that now there are nearly 2000 (!) visual media items for you to enjoy at my Flikr page.

Some may wonder why I post so many photos, why not sort and sift a bit more? I have a couple answers to this: 1. I believe in the "people's war" theory of photos - that is, win through overwhelming numbers (I should hope you will be able to find something you like amidst the many, many options!); and (b) well, simply because I can. Digital photography enables me, as well as the the limitless upload capacity (when the "pipes" are working as they should be, anyhow) afforded to my by my Flikr account (not free, but not terrible expensive either).



1 comment:

Cone said...

Looking good!