Monday, January 18, 2010


Well, for all intents and purposes, the first semester at NSYSU is over and we are on the cusp of our first trip since moving to Taiwan.  Tomorrow (Tuesday) we are heading to Tokyo for about a week and then on to Kyoto, Hiroshima, and Nagasaki before heading across to South Korea.  Will spend a week or so there, primarily in and around Seoul.  Really looking forward to this trip in every way except for - the weather.  Gonna be cold in Japan and Korea!  Been spoiled by the super-comfortable temperatures here in Southern Taiwan.  For instance, today it's 77 degrees F and sunny in Kaohsiung, and it looks like the temps in the places we will soon be visiting range from the mid 30's to the low 50's. (Daytime temps - will be quiet a bit colder once the sun goes down, I am sure.)

I hope to do quite a lot of photo-taking in the next 3 weeks, and I really hope that I am able to share some of these with you here as we go - it will be much better that way than if I end up waiting until we are back here in February to upload some pics.  I plan to make heavy use of Flikr and may even try to use YouTube to get some videos on here.  Stay tuned for more!

If you are in Japan or South Korea, we hope to see you soon!


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