Saturday, May 16, 2009

A Possible Future for this Blog

I've thought quite a lot about what I would like this blog to be. Now it is sort of a hybrid of a personal (family stuff) blog and a "business" (military matters and other current events, as the spirit moves me) blog, all mixed together. I recently came across another blog that does a good job of separating the two realms from one another (actually, this newfound blog's got 3 partitions). It's done by separating the different disciplines really into separate blogs and using hyperlinks at the top of the pages to connect them. Not really rocket science, I know, but this is the first time I had actually seen a blog that divided these things up in about the same way that I have been thinking about doing. Further, the personal blog is username and password protected, something I have been mulling over doing to this website for some time as well. (It's no secret that too much exposure of the details of one's personal and family business "in the clear" like this can become a liability in short order.) It's done on the same "chassis" as Garblog. I can see from this blog that the types of changes I have been mulling over are do-able. After all this, what is this blog? It's Building Peace. If you're thinking that this must be some nutty left-wing peacenik blog, you're wrong. It's actually the blog of a fellow 2009 Olmsted Scholar who I have probably met at least once, and although we were students at DLI at the same time for about the past year or so (him in Arabic, me in Chinese), I don't really know him. It's too bad, because it doesn't take reading too many of the posts to determine this fellow is pretty smart. I only recently came across Building Peace, so I have yet to read the majority of the posts, but I plan to get to all of them in time. I like the level of detail that he goes into in discussing whatever topic it is that is at issue – not too much, not too little. He touches on a variety of things, from those relating to Middle Eastern affairs, military education, DoD internet use and blogging policies, and more. And he is a good writer. In all, a nice piece of work, that Building Peace blog is. It may be the direction Garblog is heading in. We shall see – stay tuned.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

mm... thank you for this post )