Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Next Event

Tomorrow morning is the Haleiwa Metric Century Ride.  To tell the truth, I am not feeling the best about the event.  Normally, I could scoff at a 62-mile ride, but this spring, the longest ride I have been able to get in has been barely 30 miles.  I will be "doubling that ride up" tomorrow morning.  Ugh...and that bodes not so well for the Half Ironman in just over a month.  Prep simply has not been there.  Tomorrow may be a long day for me, foreshadowing to the Big Island next month.  I will be able to complete both events, that I am confident of, but the times are going to be way off.  This just in the way of expectation management...
This has not been a good month for me, training-wise.  I have not been traveling for work, but neither have I been able to get any workouts in during the workday in probably 4 weeks.  Grumpiness is the result.  Add to this a nasty chest cold over the past ~2 weeks that has allowed zero training at all (even on weekends) and you can probably get a feel for the "funk" I need to break out of - give me some exercise-induced endorphins!
Even if the time is crappy for tomorrow, I will post the results here.  Same for the Half Ironman next month.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck out there!