Wednesday, October 20, 2010


When's the last time you drove a car?  For those of you in the U.S., I would wager it has been less than 24 hours since you were last behind the wheel, a couple days at the most.  Well, for me it's been over a year, about 14 months or so (mid-August 2009).  We don't have a car in Taiwan.  This is really the first time in my life (since I was old enough to drive) that I have not had access to a car.  For the most part, it is fine - I don't miss filling a car with gas, feeling like I should wash the dirt off of a car, being stuck in traffic, etc.  But there are certain liberating aspects of having a car - for instance, you can just jump in and head out to wherever, no waiting for the subway or a bus.  But then you have to find a place to park when you get there!

The streak will soon be broken, though, so I wanted to note it here.  We're renting a minivan to get to my triathlon next week.  I guess I should look at this as a preview of what life will be like whenever we get back to the U.S. - driving a minivan, that is. (Barb is an advocate, so we can haul our boys around easier.  I can't get past the symbolism of driving a minivan - it's like the "sweatpants" of vehicles..."I've given up.")  I suppose it will be for the best, especially since I will still have my "lieutenant-mobile" to drive when not hauling the troops.  I keep telling Barb that is is time to upgrade the "lieutenant-mobile" to something more "grade-appropriate," oh, I don't know, something like this.  I just need you all to help me pay for it.  Please send donations promptly.  :-)


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