Friday, August 20, 2010

Someone is almost 5 months old

A seriously cute photo, originally uploaded by gardahsam.

This little fella will be celebrating 5 months in a couple days - yay! To mark the occasion we took him in for a check-up and I though you'd be interested in hearing about how big he is getting. He's 14.5 lbs and 25 3/8 inches long. In case you were wondering about his head circumference, it is 42 cm. (Now you can buy him a fitted hat.)

He's indicating that he'd like to begin crawling soon, now that he is getting pretty good at rolling over and can support his own weight standing like a champ. (Stability is another thing entirely - he's pretty wobbly still, but all in good time.) He can get his knees under his hips while on his tummy and his arms are getting stronger by the day, so it probably won't be long at all until he is truly mobile, and not long after that he will become HIGHLY mobile. Things will become much more interesting then!


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