It's been a while since I posted any workout information...partly because the workouts have been few and far between. Not long ago I wrote about having a hard time being consistent in my workouts. Unfortunately, this situation has not yet been resolved. No matter, this too shall pass. Here are my latest two runs:
Activity Details for
Harbor's edge - South
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Today's workout (linked above) was an exploration south along the harbor's edge. I got on the bike path near the Love River then ran for about 10 minutes south. What did I find? Ikea. A skyscraper being built (sorry, I don't have a picture of the building yet, but right now it's nothing but I-beams, probably at least 40 stories tall, close to the Ikea store). Of note: I passed 5 miles total in this workout, something I came very close to not long ago but didn't quite achieve.
If you haven't tried clicking through and looking at the details of the workouts, perhaps you should. There are some interesting features that can be found over at my Garmin Connect page. As a teaser, here's a screenshot of my latest workout:

There is lots more to see, this map chip is just the tip of the iceberg. You can also see all the lap splits, pace, and heart rate data, if those types of things are interesting to you (they are to me, but I am an exercise scientist, after all)
Here's the older of the two workouts, nothing fancy here, just several laps in Central Park.
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