Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Scattered, covered and smothered ®...

I think I found the Taiwanese equivalent to The Waffle House today. I was at a department store food court (good place to be able to scope out many kinds of Chinese - and Western - fast food all at once) and was handed the following flyer by an employee:

You can't tell me that these meal "sets" don't remind you of the menu at The Waffle House!

(For those who have never had the pleasure, please educate yourself for a moment here (html) or >here (PDF) to get up to speed. It's OK, take your time, I'll wait.)

The flyer worked - I wanted to try one of these meals. So I chose the one circled in the first picture above (the top center meal). It looked interesting to me, why not give it a try? Here's a snapshot of it before I worked it over:

It was quite tasty. I also made another key discovery - the Taiwanese "spork." I am not sure if they call it that (I hope to find out soon), but you look at this and tell me it isn't a spork. It is!


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