Saturday, October 10, 2009

Binge and Purge

It’s been about a month since I’ve done anything about my photos, i.e. uploading any to the interwebs, so today is the day!  I’ve got about a gig (1GB) of new photos and video and my plan is to put it all up on my Flikr page.  If I have enough time I will even separate it into meaningful groups.  (If not, you are on your own to figure out the context – what a fun game!)


I’m sure you also noticed the new “splash” photo at the top of the Garblog page.  We took that last weekend at Lotus Lake here in Kaohsiung.  It’s a very pretty area with lots of temples.  Our visit was cut short due to The Small One’s need for a nap (we’ll go back in the morning next time to avoid this problem).


Photo uploading is in progress now, but probably won’t be done for a few hours.  You might want to just check back at Garblog then…



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