Monday, November 30, 2009
New photos
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Showdown in Boulder
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Contributing to cognitive dissonance
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
It's about time...
Sunday, November 15, 2009
"The Huskers have hung 30 on the Jayhawks!"
Saturday, November 14, 2009
It's going down in Lawrence in oh, about 7 hours. Starts at half past four in the AM here, so I will not be tuning on for the beginning. Perhaps I will catch the end, though - my "alarm clock" (see above photo; he passed out with his light on tonight) has already been asleep for over an hour and is an early riser. He always seems to want some breakfast when he gets up, too, and that takes me within arm's reach of the coffee pot - you can see where this is heading. Then I am "up and at 'em," at least in theory. Tomorrow I can listen to the football game while sipping my morning coffee - nice!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
FPRI Essays on the U.S. Armed Forces
entirety here, but I got this message from the Foreign Policy Research
Institute today with links to many nice essays about the US armed forces
(including one by a former professor of mine at Nebraska, Pete Maslowski).
Looks like I just missed getting this posted on Veteran's Day in the
continental US, but it's worth having a look nonetheless.
Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2009 04:01
Subject: FPRI Essays on the U.S. Armed Forces
Today we honor all those who risk their lives -- and all who have given
their lives -- so that we might be free.
Below is a compilation of FPRI essays on the U.S. Armed Forces.
"Ten Things Every American Student Should Know
about our Army in World War II"
by Rick Atkinson, May 2009
"The U.S. Navy in World War II"
by James Kurth, September 2009
"Reflections on Memorial Day"
by Mackubin T. Owens, May 2009
"The Marines: Premier Expeditionary Warriors"
by Frank Hoffman, November 2007
"World War II and Its Meaning for Americans"
David Eisenhower, April 2007
"Teaching about the Military: Some Basics"
by Paul Herbert, May 2007
"Understanding the Creation of the US Armed Forces"
by Peter Maslowski, April 2007
"War and the Military in American History,"
by Walter McDougall, March 2007
"The Future of the U.S. Army,"
by Sherwood Goldberg, December 2005
"Iwo Jima and the Future of the Marine Corps"
by Mackubin T. Owens, February 2005
"The Future of the Reserves and the National Guard:
A Conference Report"
by Michael Noonan, January 2005
Alan Luxenberg
Foreign Policy Research Institute
1528 Walnut Street, Suite 610
Philadelphia, PA 19102
Tel. 215 732 3774 ext 105
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
A few changes
You've no doubt by now noticed the new "splash page" photo here at Garblog....kinda nice, dontcha think? I like to put a new pic up there now and then just to keep things fresh. I hope you like it. If not, let me know about it in the comments.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Author Malcolm Gladwell on New Book 'What the Dog Saw' - TIME
Time magazine.,8599,1931100,00.html
Sent from my iPod
Sunday, November 08, 2009

Another "poorly-scheduled" Husker game
Who decides what time to have these football games anyhow? Don’t they know there is a huge fan base of one (1) here in Taiwan that would like to follow along in real-time? J NU – OU trumped by worship services on this end. Go Big Red!