Tuesday, January 27, 2009

1 Feb 2009 - Promotion

I don't recall when I last wrote about my impending promotion, but I know that last year I wrote about being selected for promotion.  That was in April, I believe, not long after the selection board results were announced.  At the time, I mentioned that my promotion "number" was 1620 - that is, there were 1619 other Marines who would have to be promoted before me.  Well, my number has finally come up, literally: I will be promoted to the rank of Captain of Marines, effective 1 Feb 2009.  You can see the official announcement message here.  It's party time!



Anonymous said...

Git 'er dunn!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, brother. If you're going to be a snot-nose college boy shave-tail zero, Captain's the way to go! It's pretty much like the Corporal of the officer ranks: senior enough to get stuff done, junior enough to pass the buck, right? Seriously, though, if I had just one captain like you, I'd still be in The Suck! Semper Fi.