Some quotes from John at 25+ months that I have observed over the past couple of days during our time in Nebraska:
“Dat Queen” – means “that car” (All cars are called “Queen” after Lightning McQueen of “Cars” fame. “Cars” is by far his favorite movie. Before we left Hawaii, he had to watch it generally several times per day. I know, that is a lot of TV for a 2-year old.)
“Dat one” – “that one”
“Dat crib” – John uses the word crib for all beds, since he slept in a crib until we left Hawaii. Even the bed that his Mom and Dad sleep in, a queen-sized pillow top mattress box spring bed, is a “crib” according to John.
“Airpane” – (not a typo in the quotes, he has trouble with his “l’s” right now) airplane, probably his favorite thing in the world! He loves airports and when we see airplanes or helicopters (generally pronounced by John as “huck-uh”, but sometimes he says the longer approximation of the full word “helicopter” that he can produce when he puts a little more effort into it. I took him to the Strategic Air and Space Museum near Ashland, NE yesterday (see the link) and I heard this word so many times I lost count in the first 5 minutes as he scurried around the hangar floor pointing in all directions and exclaiming, of course, “Airpane, airpane Dada! See it, airpane! Touch it…” We had a great visit!
“Truck” – just what it says. There are a lot of tractor-trailer trucks on the interstate highways around Omaha and John loves it! He constantly points out all the trucks he sees as we zoom around town. “Truck! Truck! Right ‘dere, truck! Truck, Dada!”
[I]”Guana” – pronounced “gwa-NA” and referring not to an actual iguana, but instead a dinosaur (a small plastic version of the the T-Rex, which he unfortunately enjoys all too much hitting his cousins with). I enjoy hearing him say this word so much (just the way he says it, it’s so cute!) I ask for him to say it specifically! (not the hitting part, though – just the word)
We are discovering that 2 is a fun but frustrating age. He is starting to talk so much (we think his talking has surged in the past week we have been back because of his 5 cousins he has to play and interact with each day) and putting together some really long sentences (no matter we can’t pick out but half or less of the words!), it is really amazing to see and hear! But he is also having trouble understanding that it is not OK to hit and hurt his cousins (see the iguana entry above) and the household pets (sorry, Spikes the cat!). He’s on the “dawn patrol”, always wanting to get up much earlier than his Mom and Dad would like, and the first words he says every morning are “Eat!” (2-year olds are hungry!) and “Kids!” (as in, “I want to play with kids!” [his cousins]). What an enthusiastic and fun time for him! I sure enjoy watching him grow to be a big boy and seeing all the new capabilities and skills he continues to add at the “rapid rate!”
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