Cough, cough! Is this thing on?
Hi. Been a while. Few years, actually!
It's time to dust this thing off. People told me this year that they actually kept up with what we were doing on here. Since we are back overseas, there is no time like the present to fire it up again, I figure.
Hokkaido-style ramen |
So, we live in Okinawa now. Moved out here in August. Will probably be here for three years or so.
Do you like foreign food? It is good for birthdays. |
I am going to post about once a month, I figure. Maybe I will get really ambitious and post more often, but my baseline goal is monthly. I know that's not terribly prolific, but we're busy. I'll try to hit the wavetops for you. Sound good?
2013 is the only year since 2009 I have not been here. |
We've barely been here a month and I've already been dispatched to Taiwan and back for work. I'll likely be doing a fair amount of regional travel in my new job. Look for me soon in your town. (Just kidding.)
This is not a mealworm - 'Chomp' is much better-looking. |
J is in third grade. He has a mealworm as a pet -- brought it home from school. I understand that it will at some point it will transform into a beetle, at which time it must return to school.
The view from 'the Penthouse.' |
L starts his pre-school soon.
This is quite an incline! |
It is very green here. Lots of exotic bugs. L had a run-in with a stinging caterpillar the other day. The mark it left on him looked like he had touched his arm to a hot stove.
Huffy's Angels, Okinawa Chapter. Only the one with the flames on the gas tank was acceptable. |
What do people want to know about our activities here? I can write more, but would like to write for the audience. I hope you enjoy these photos in the meantime.
1. Read the sign. 2. Laugh! |