Monday, May 31, 2010
Garblog e-mail change: opt-in (new!) versus opt-out
Some time ago, I added a list of e-mail addresses to automatically receive an e-mail when I publish a new post here at Garblog. I have decided that this is not a fair practice - after all, none of these people asked me to be subscribed to Garblog, I simply assumed that certain folks would like to receive the posts. In the meanwhile, I have not been told otherwise by any of the folks on the list, but I also want to leave it up to you, the reader, if you want to get posts via e-mail, read them on the blog itself, subscribe via an RSS reader, or even decide to "opt-out." Therefore, after I publish this post, I will be deleting all the e-mails from the "auto-publish" list and you will have to visit Garblog and use the newly installed "subscribe via e-mail" widget to set up your own subscription. All it should really entail is entering your e-mail address; simple! But "now it's up to you."
I hope you continue to read Garblog.
Punting on the pics
As some noted about a week ago, this fellow is 2 months old now, and last week he went in to be weighed, etc. He's already topped 12 lbs (12 lbs 2 oz, up from his birth weight of 8 lbs 11 oz) and is now 23 3/4 inches long. Growing like a weed, he is!
The month in running, May 2010 edition
I have added some swimming to my routine the past 2 weeks. (One swim session per week - they are not reflected in these stats.) I hope to get out on my bike again soon, too. Perhaps if I can get all this rolling, a triathlon might not be too far behind... we shall see.
Memorial Day Run
Checking In
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Two odd "bookends"
First, we had our first "stowaway" try to penetrate our apartment. A giant cockroach the size of my thumb hid inside my running shoes (which I store outside on the patio when not in use - they aren't the most pleasant-smelling things!), and, thankfully, made his presence known BEFORE I tried to stick my foot in the shoe! (I saw him poking his head out of the shoe while I was gathering my sunglasses, etc.) A frantic effort to exterminate the roach ensued and he nearly escaped into the apartment at large, which may have been disastrous - we've not seen any such critters in our apartment to this point, and we don't want to have an infestation start this way, by having a "stowaway" escape and establish a nest. Before long, the roach was terminated (he was fast!) and I tossed his carcass over the edge of the balcony, watching him fall seven stories to his ultimate doom. Good riddance! I then went for my run.
The second weird thing happened after my run was over and I was walking across Central Park back home. Near the entrance to the MRT there is a "water square" (an open area that from time to time features water fountains spraying up in the air - when there are no fountains going off, it is just like any other square or plaza. Hence, it's a "water square.") On the one side of the square is a small stream that leads to a pond in the park where we like to feed the fish with scraps of bread. Well, today, I could see from across the square that there was a person in the stream, and unlike previous times I have seen kids or adults WADING in the stream, this person appeared to be all the way in the stream, like a person in a swimming pool, or, more appropriately, a bath tub. Hmm, this is odd, I thought as I walked closer (the stream was between me and home, so I wasn't going closer just to be a gawker, I was heading home) - that looks like an adult..who is naked...bathing in the stream! And that's just what it was - an old woman, buck naked, taking a bath in the stream! I have no idea if she was homeless or what the deal was, and to a certain extent I don't blame her - it was really hot out! The other people around seemed to not even take a second glance her way, but this was a little bit weird to me, definitely not something I am used to seeing. Weird.
Full run details posted soon.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Monday, May 10, 2010
Birthday Run
Thursday, May 06, 2010
New York Times "Moment in Time" update
This is not the interactive gallery that we had hoped to present by now, showing all the “Moment in Time” contributions that are fit to print. Frankly, the number of submissions has so far exceeded our hopes — nearly 14,000 at last count — that we’ve been struggling to stay ahead of the tide as we review every image and caption coming in.
Instead, we offer another small sampler of the wonderful work we’ve been receiving, in the spirit of our earlier post, “From Many Instants, a Moment.” These are vignettes around the world taken at one given time; Sunday at 15:00, Coordinated Universal Time.
This short slide show should give you an idea why we’re so eager to share the full presentation with you, which we’ll do as soon as we possibly can.
Cool "crowdsourcing" photo project from the New York Times. I sent in a photo - want to see it?
Monday, May 03, 2010
Saturday, May 01, 2010
Full Saturday run details and weekly run totals
I went exploring in the hills near my school and had a fun time of it. Made the 8 miles seem to go by (relatively) fast. I definitely got some sun today.
Here are my totals for the week:
I was unsuccessful this week in my attempt to inject at least one more day of running into my schedule. Until I can do that, I think it will be hard for me to increase my weekly mileage beyond about where it is at now (~20 miles a week when I get all three runs in). Adding this volume will be critical in preparing for a marathon later in the year.
Saturday run