Friday, December 25, 2009

Saturday, December 12, 2009

He's always been stylish

Ran across a video of Don Mattingly online today and it *forced* me to write this post. Here's the visual:

Niiiiiice "flavor saver," Don!

Astute observers will remember that Don is no stranger to stylin'. To wit:

The images pretty much tell the story here. I can't add much to this.

Except for this, an article that ran in the New York Times earlier this year entitled "Yankees' Mattingly Was the Man to Teixeira as a Boy":

I'm "Mattingly'd" out for today.


Tuesday, December 08, 2009

New Artwork

John brought a really swell piece of artwork home from school today, I just had to share it:



Friday, December 04, 2009


I don't receive any magazine subscriptions in the mail here (international mail is too expensive and too slow - instead, I receive digital versions of several magazines), but once in a while when I am out and about at bookstores I browse the magazine shelves. Western magazines are more expensive here than back home, so I try to be prudent about purchasing any of them - after all, I do have electronic versions of a few "old standbys" to read. But earlier this week, one magazine caught my eye - the latest issue of CNN Traveller. (I had never heard of the magazine until I saw it this week - anybody else ever hear of it? It may only be sold outside the US, I am not sure.) Here is a scan of the magazine's cover:

It caught my eye because that is a photo of Lotus Lake in Kaohsiung. In fact, the previous Garblog "splash" photo (see below for a variant that shows some of the same background visible in the magazine cover shot above, and second below for the "splash" photo) was taken in front of the same pagoda. Take a look and compare them. I like my picture better - much more colorful! CNN Traveller's is pretty dull and drab.

Aside from the cover striking my fancy, there is also a nice piece in the magazine about cycling in Taiwan, something I need more information about so I can start doing more of it. I have yet to find a good way to conveniently be able to put in a decent amount of miles here in the city without having to fight my way across and through many busy roadways jammed with cars and scooters. Not much fun. I need some trails! I think this magazine article can help.

Here's the link to CNN Traveller's website, in case you are interested in checking it out further:

The Taiwan cycling piece is here: